
Time to Call Clients: ½ Way Through 2022

Click here for a 2-min. video about this month's issue

The Perfect Time

This is the perfect time to call clients and ask how the year is going for them with respect to their short and long term financial plans.  June marks the end of the first half of the year, and this year has been a real doozey!  With supply-chain issues, inflation, nauseating ups and downs in the market, and a basic sense of unrest…many Americans are feeling uneasy about their finances.

Just make it a quick call, and cover these basics:

1 - How have your accounts done this year?

Hopefully, they have already had you help them move at least some of their money into index annuities, but check in on the rest of the accounts to see if it might be time to move some more money to safety.

2 - What has changed since the first of the year?

Births, deaths, marriages, divorces, graduations, vacations, new jobs, sold a house…the list is endless.  The point is that the average American’s financial situation changes significantly every 18 to 36 months.  So, don’t assume everything is the same as the last time you spoke to them.

3 - Where would you like to be at the end of this year?  How about at this time next year?

Regardless of how the year has gone so far, help your clients to look forward to the holidays, and to start planning now for where they will be one year from now.

4 - Who else do you know that I might be able to help?

Phrase it just like that, and then stop talking.  You will be surprised at how many referrals can be generated from this one simple question.

Let Us Scrub Those Applications First

Every year the suitability standards at carriers become more strict.  Replacement rules, liquid asset requirements, reverse mortgages, living trusts, surrender penalties, annual income, percentage of assets, client net-worth—the list goes on and on.  The key to making sure an application goes through with as little trouble as possible is knowing what the suitability rules are for the carrier BEFORE you submit the application.  We can help.  Because we work with dozens of cases every week, we can review the application for you and help avoid running into any one of the suitability land mines that can bog down and even kill a case.  Taking the time to let us scrub the application for you will actually speed up the processing of the application.  Just scan the application and email it to any one of us here, or to info@twhagency.com.  We will double check the suitability standards for that carrier, and make sure all of the requirements are in order before sending in the app.  You will have less trips back to have the client sign or initial things, the policy will get issued quicker, and you will get paid faster. It’s a win-win-win!

June Is Annuity Awareness Month

Let everyone you know in on the celebration.

Here are 3 basic benefits to talk about:

Guaranteed Growth – Higher rates than CDs are paying.

Guaranteed Lifetime Income –that your client can not outlive.

Guaranteed Principal Protection – but also with returns that outperform the markets!

Give us a call to learn more:

~ Greg Skogsberg


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