The #1 Way to Increase Sales
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Most advisers have different ideas about what the #1 way to increase annuity & life sales. Some think that it is getting more leads. Other feel that it is getting more referrals. Some believe they must become more knowledgeable about what they sell. Still others think that it is about having a better sales process.
While all these things can greatly increase sales, they pale in comparison to doing this one thing…
Find out how your clients FEEL about their finances.
Many advisers try to become as knowledgeable as they can about annuities, then start conversations with potential new clients by showing them how amazing index annuities are, and how they are a perfect fit for every client. And then…they leave without a sale, or even a scheduled 2nd appointment. Why...Because people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
It took me years to truly set aside my vast knowledge of annuities and focus on the very personal experiences people are having. Now I don’t even mention the word “annuity” at a first meeting. I listen…ask questions…listen…ask questions…and so on—until I know I fully understand people’s financial hopes, fears, goals, and dreams. That’s it. Then I repeat back what I’ve just learned and ask if the list is complete. Then I say something like, “I think I have a good feel for where you are and what you are looking for, and I have a few ideas about how I can help. Give me a couple of days to run some numbers, and we’ll get back together to talk through some options and answer all your questions.” At that point, the 2nd appointment sets itself. Call me if you have questions.
Market Projections vs. Annuities

Notice all those red lines showing market losses? The smallest was only 3%, but the largest was 40%! And the 3 red lines in a row add up to a 44% loss from 2000 to 2003!
Now look at a theoretical Index Annuity return chart for the same period.

The fact that index annuities never create a loss is exactly why they need to be a part of every balanced portfolio—especially for retirees on a fixed income.
And, with Goldman Sachs projecting the S&P 500 will average 3.0% over the next 10 years, we can expect that the blue lines in both charts will be shorter—but the red lines could be even longer!
Call us for more. We can grow your sales:
~ Greg Skogsberg